Central planners and government officials are on a quest to "streamline" Harbor Springs' zoning code to favor higher density housing, downtown expansion, and - ugh - overdevelopment.
These fools want Harbor (population around 1300) to be an MEDC and Redevelopment Ready Community where Lansing, not locals, would have a BIG say in any future changes. And no doubt, the character, charm of the city would be negatively impacted.
At least that's how ERG sees it.
Here's the Petoskey News-Review's reporting on the zoning changes.
And the contentious response to the proposals.
A national publication weighs in.
A petition campaign has been launched.
The next Harbor Springs City Council meeting is May 6th, 7 pm.
We have a choice; density or sprawl. Those are the only options. Seems ERG chooses sprawl. Not sure I agree? Sprawl means infrastructure costs, and damage to environments, more traffic, etc. A more dense center would be better imho.
Excellent post. Government, even at the local level, can be detrimental to one's health.