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Writer's pictureERG

Harbor Light Publishes Mindless Column

Recently, former Emmet County Commissioner (and undocumented Democrat) Charlie MacInnis penned a self-referencing column for the Harbor Light newspaper titled “Mindlessness” in which he impugned some of the current commissioners, berated the new Emmet County board members of the Health Department of Northwest Michigan, championed a Buddhist-style ‘mindfulness’ curriculum for elementary school students, and generally, disrespectfully, miscategorized an assortment of motions, votes, and discussions conducted by these two boards.

ERG is mindful of a few of his assertions in the column which barely touch on the truth …

1) Contrary to the columnist’s claim, when an “Otsego County Commissioner” learned that a health dept. staff member was working on a grant to teach ‘mindfulness’ in the public schools, he did not “go nuts,” nor did anyone propose or vote on a “mindless and nutty motion.” The motion was discussed and passed in a proper and deliberative manner.

2) During the discussion and voting on the above-mentioned motion, only one board member was "frantic" and mean-spirited, calling the motion “stupid” – the columnist himself. (Watch the video to confirm, starting at the 2:01 mark.) Also, during the vote on that motion, the other representative from Emmet County - Matt Koontz - said, “I am ashamed of being a part of this body.” (Now, that’s a very good reason to not appoint him again!)

3) Our public schools need more academics taught (including math, science, writing, history, geography, and so forth), not ‘mindfulness,’ as the columnist insisted. He erroneously asserted that the exercise is merely about students “being quiet.” If so, why the need for a $100,000 grant to fund it? To learn more on ‘mindfulness,’ please go here. Talk about being uninformed!

4) No one was “yanked” from the HD of Northwest Michigan board. Following an open discussion, in a fully transparent manner, the Emmet County Board of Commissioners selected two new members to represent Emmet on the health board. The vote was 4-3. It’s noteworthy that when the columnist referenced Commissioner Koontz, he used ‘Matt,’ but when referencing Commissioner Ginop, he used ‘Ginop.’

5) At the September meeting in Charlevoix, contrary to the columnist’s assertion, there was no “near riot,” but only a good many Americans robustly speaking their minds about mandates and lockdowns, in opposition to the decisions of the health board. They showed up!

Columns like this one, which distort the truth and words and actions of elected officials, remind some Emmet County residents of the mindlessness of one former commissioner turned columnist.



Jan 27, 2023

What ever happened to sit down, be quiet and listen?

The Mindfulness agenda is more than just focusing and relaxing. The “trained” or “licensed” mentors/instructors also teach: (my thoughts in red)

  • Non-judging. Be an impartial witness to your own experience. ... (There there, it’s ok....)

  • Patience. A form of wisdom, patience demonstrates that we accept the fact that. (when does one realize an obstacle and when to overcome?)

  • Beginner's Mind. Remaining open and curious allows us to be receptive to new. (let’s try Gender identity, modification and explore other things the schools are advocating?)

  • Trust. Develop a basic trust with yourself and your feelings. ... (listening to who, about who you are??)

  • Non-Striving. ... (striving for complacency?)

  • Acceptance. ... (of…

Feb 01, 2023
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@littleredengine It's so cute how you pick/choose, cut/paste the definitions of Mindfulness. I can do it too! Here's one example: "Patience: Patience is the ability to bear difficulty with calmness and self-control. It requires connection with your calm inner core and also some faith and courage." Isn't that just horrible!! Imagine a school that encourages students to be calm, use self-control, and to harness some faith and courage!! What a horrible evil suggestion! Ugg!!


Jan 27, 2023

Like "Unknown member"

Striving is the essence of growth and of life. If mindfulness attempts to restrict striving it will restrict growth and should not be some we should be teaching in school.

Feb 01, 2023
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@drbob I'm not a meditation person, but this is how the curriculum describes non-striving, it's essentially relaxing for a few minutes so you can focus better. Focus is really important for learning - obviously.

"The best way to achieve your goals about meditation (whether they be control of anxiety and panic, stress reduction, spiritual growth, personal development, or anything else) is to back off from striving for results and instead start to focus carefully on seeing........"


Jan 24, 2023

I don't know what 'mindfulness' curriculum was proposed, but I follow the research on teaching and have seen numerous studies where this kind of eercise has greatly improved learning. If 2 minutes of focusing results in BETTER learning, why would that be a problem? Don't we want our children to learn, and learn better? Don't we want them to have tools? Most excellent teachers already do a form of mindfulness. At PHS Mrs Wills taught us how to take an essay exam, she told us to take 2-4 minutes to panic first thing, then dive in. This is actually, essentially, 'mindfulness'. I've used her technique countless times, in a range of tests, in and out of school - with successful results.…

Feb 01, 2023
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@ironmanwid The idea is that because children today are overloaded with electronic stimulus that make it more difficult for them to learn, we need to help them focus. Schools that have implemented mindfulness exercises have INCREASED test scores, and improved other academic outcomes. The track record is very good, for very little investment. (Not sure what test scores you are referring to? Petoskey test results are above average.)


Chris McCray
Chris McCray
Jan 24, 2023

(My favorite takeaway from ERG's exposure of Charlie's "tempest in a teapot": in his zeal to START FROM SCRATCH in the grand project of establishing/re-establishing what he considers to be the "proper" public-mindset, Charlie endorses what must be the most "bespoke" educational program EVER ... one that teaches [some version of] "Mindfulness" and that STARTS WITH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL KIDS!)


Chris McCray
Chris McCray
Jan 24, 2023

So it appears that Charlie, having been recently (and duly!) dispossessed of his seat on the Emmet County Board of Commissioners, has decided to engage in some sort of public relations/media campaign which, for now at least, involves throwing as much "dirt" as he's able to muster upon the current board members who are "more conservative than Charlie"! The source article ("Mindlessness") is, unfortunately, hidden behind a paywall that (to me at least) doesn't justify its entry price. ERG does a great job here of countering whatever supposedly high-minded "Observations" the disgruntled former board member has just seen fit to have published with common sense, basic, but very much MORE REAL "observations" of its own! (My favorite takeaway from Charlie's…

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