Last night ERG hosted a PowerPoint presentation by former MI State Senator Pat Colbeck who has written, "The 2020 Coup: What Happened, What We Can Do."
Pat spoke to a packed room on how elections are supposed to work, lack of transparency issues, and proper chain of custody protocols. He also shared about his eye-opening experience as a certified Poll Challenger at the TCF center in Detroit.
Here's a soundbite regarding MI Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson: "She's been busted in five separate court cases of violating the law ... if you listen to the media you'd think she's as innocent as the driven snow. But she's the one that is telling all our clerks what the procedures are that they are supposed to follow in the election."
Here's an example of one of those court cases. Here's another.
Overall, the information Pat, a happy warrior, presented was sobering and complex. However, he did offer (at least) one practical suggestion: Encourage local clerks - township, city, village - to clean up the QVF (Qualified Voter File).
All in all, it was an evening extremely well spent in the company of like-minded patriots who are committed to clean elections.
Photo: Mr. Colbeck mingles before his speech.
Thank you for sharing!!