Dan Lyman, editor-in-chief of Border Hawk (BH), an immigration news outlet, gave a presentation titled “The Invasion Will Not Be Televised” to Emmet Responsible Government (ERG) this past Wednesday. To a crowd of 75, Lyman presented provocative footage from the borders of New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas which featured videos of "gotaways" as well as migrants, of all ages but mostly Hispanics, who sought to be apprehended by the U.S. Border Patrol and taken to processing centers. The BH crew also went inside a migrant shelter in Piedras Negras, Mexico; they were the first American media outlet to do so and interviewed various passers-through at the shelter. Another video, shot by Efraín González, showed the Border Patrol lifting concertina wire in Eagle Pass, TX, (to allow migrants to enter the United States illegally).
Lyman noted that “every state is now a border state” and reviewed some of the disturbing crimes committed by illegals in Michigan, including the recent collision in Macomb County, whereby an illegal alien from Mexico rear-ended a car with two elderly women, who were pronounced dead at the scene of the crash.
The evening also featured various candidates vying for public office, including Matt Leirstein and Randy Kloss, who are running to be Emmet County’s next sheriff. Also among the invited guests was a proxy (Lance Griffin) for State Rep Neil Friske, who is running for re-election, as well as his primary opponent Parker Fairbairn. Brett Gooding and several other Emmet County commissioner candidates and George Ranville who is running for re-election for the Village of Mackinac City trustee, also campaigned briefly.

A special guest was Josh Saul (in the blue suit) of Roscommon, who is primarying Jack Bergman for the MI-01 congressional seat. Saul is a Purple Heart recipient and a certified public accountant.
In addition to the immigration presentation and micro-stump speeches by the candidates, commemorations was given for the late Becky McCray of Petoskey and Rick Selva of Cheboygan. Both recently passed away and were stalwart attendees of ERG meetings.
Precinct Delegate Joyce Burns offered an update on a Michigan J-6 attendee, Isaac Thomas, who was recently released from the DC gulag and whose case will go to trial in December of this year.
Ralph Rebandt, former gubernatorial candidate and retired pastor, has stayed active in politics. He shared information about his strategy to turn Michigan red by engaging more churchgoers in the political process.

And, least but not least, “Donald Trump” (red arrow) made a brief guest appearance before heading to Detroit.
The evening was full of information and inspiration. ERG thanks all who attended!